Peer Review Process

  • All submissions will be double blind peer reviewed.
  • All papers are expected to have original content. They should not have been previously published, nor be under simultaneous consideration by another academic journal.
  • Prior to the sending out to refrees, editors check that the paper fits with the mission statement of the journal.
  • The journal seeks minimum two independent refrees. All submissions are subject to a double blind peer review; the identity of both the reviewer and author are always concealed from both parties. If one of refrees gives a negative feedback on a paper, the paper is sent to another refree. If the paper takes again a negative feedback from the new refree, this means that the paper will not be accepted to the journal.
  • All submitted papers and refree reports are archived by JIP. Submissions whether they are published or not are not returned. 
  • The editorial board decides to publish a paper in the journal according to refree reports. If one of refrees offer some corrections to a submitted paper, the paper is sent back to the author. It is required for authors to make corrections in their papers within the prescribed time.
  • Authors who want to give up publishing their paper in JIP after the submission have to apply to the editorial board in written.    
  • Then, final approval is needed from the corresponding author before it is published in the upcoming issue.
  • Papers out of JIP’s writing and style guidelines are not received for consideration.
  • Authors are responsible from the writing quality of their papers.
  • JIP will not pay any copyright fee to authors