
Dr. Arina Novilla, S.Pd., M.Si., Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi, Cimahi, Indonesia

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Atna Permana, SKM., M.Biomed., Ph.D, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Health, Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin, Indonesia

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Dr. dr. Akhmad Yogi Pramatirta, Sp.OG. Subsp. KFM., M.Kes., Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia 

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Prof. Dr. drg. Ani Melani Maskoen, M.Kes., Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia 

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Dr. Ajeng Tias Endarti, SKM., M.CommHealth., Faculty of Health, Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin, Jakarta, Indonesia

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Prof. Dr. Kusharisupeni, M.Sc., Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

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Imas Latifah, SKM., M.KKK.,Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Health, Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin, Indonesia

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Dr. Syarifah Miftahul EJT, M.Biomed., Politeknik  Kemenkes II Jakarta, Indonesia

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Dr. Sumiati Bedah, SKM., MKM., Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Health, Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin, Indonesia

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Prof. Dr. dr. Sudarto Ronoatmodjo, SKM., M.Sc., Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

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Dr. Apt. Ellis Susanti, S.Farm., M.Si., M.Pd., MM.,Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Health, Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin, Indonesia

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Dr. Nur Asniati Djaali, SKM., MKM., Faculty of Health, Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin, Jakarta, Indonesia

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