Plagiarism Policy
Articles must be tested for similarity using a plagiarism checker application (e.g. Turnitin) with a maximum similarity limit of 25%.
The creation of a manuscript must be limited to people who have contributed and are responsible to the public for the content. This contribution includes:
- Concept, design, analysis and interpretation of data;
- draft the article or revise it critically based on the content;
- final approval of the version to be published;
- agreement to be accountable for all aspects by ensuring that questions related to accuracy or integrity are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Submission of a manuscript to the Journal of Urban Public Health means that all authors who submit it to the Journal of Urban Public Health have agreed with all content in a manuscript. The corresponding author (submitter) is responsible for ensuring that the contents of this agreement are properly understood, and for maintaining constant communication between the journal and the co-authors before and after publication. When there is a request for changes to the author list after submission, such as a change in the order of authors, or deletion or addition of authors it must be accompanied by a letter signed by all original authors.
Authors who submit to the Journal of Urban Public Health must ensure that:
- This article is original work and does not involve fraud, forgery, or plagiarism.
- This article has not been published previously and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere..
- All authors have reviewed the manuscript and are responsible for its content
- All authors acknowledge and agree to the terms of this publishing agreement.
- The article does not contain any defamatory or unlawful statements and does not contain material that violates any individual's privacy, proprietary rights or statutory copyrights.
- All quotations from copyrighted works must be included and credited to those sources.