
  • Eka Satryawati Univeristas Mohammad Husni Thamrin Jakarta, Indonesia



E-Com, or Electronic
Commerce is a rapidly evolving
technology in the business world and bythe
Internet. The use of E-commerce
system, can actually benefit many parties,
including the consumer, as well as the
producers and sellers (retailers). For
example, for the consumer, using the ECommerce
can make shopping a short
time. In addition, the price of the goods
sold via E-commerce is usually cheaper
than the prices in the store, because the
distribution of producer goods to the seller
shorter than conventional stores.
Satisfaction, trust and loyalty DBS is the
most important factor in business
competition. The four variables that will be
used in this research is a web interface
quality, information quality, security and
privacy. This study propose a framework
model or combination of models I.Eid
Mustafa (2011) and model and Parvez
Akbar (2009). The hypothesis is useful to
examine the relationship of 4 (four)
variables affecting trust, satisfaction and
loyalty. The method used is distributing
questionnaires to 200 customers samples
Duta Business School (DBS). Samples
used only 200. Structural Equation Model
(SEM) was used to analyze the data. The
analysis shows that the model does not fit
the model of the population but only
represent a sample. Based on the
proposed model, the web interface Quality
and Quality Information positive impact on
customer satisfaction. Quality web
interface associated with weak consumer
confidence, no information related to the
quality of customer confidence, Privacy
strongly related to customer trust, security
is closely linked to customer satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction affects customer
loyalty, customer satisfaction affects
customer trust.

Author Biography

Eka Satryawati, Univeristas Mohammad Husni Thamrin Jakarta

Program Studi Sistem Informasi


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