Background: Stunting is a condition in which toddlers have a length or height that is less than their age. Chronic nutritional problems causing stunting are influenced by various factors, including socio-economic conditions, maternal nutrition during pregnancy, infant feeding practices, and nutritional deficiencies in infants, which may later result in difficulties in achieving optimal physical and cognitive development.
Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of health promotion using audiovisual media on the knowledge of Posyandu cadres in preventing stunting.
Method: The study used a quantitative research design with a pre-experimental design using the One Group Pretest-Posttest Only Design. The sample consisted of 15 Posyandu cadres from Susukan sub-district, East Jakarta, and was analyzed using paired t-tests. Data collection was conducted through video media. The study was conducted in June 2022.
Results: The average knowledge of stunting prevention among Posyandu cadres before health promotion using audiovisual media was 5.30, and after health promotion, it remained at 5.30.
Conclusion and Recommendation: Health promotion using video media has no significant effect on the level of knowledge among cadres in preventing stunting. Therefore, it is recommended to enhance high-quality health promotion related to cadres' knowledge in preventing stunting and to encourage active community participation in integrated services for Posyandu cadres.
Keywords: Promotion, Audiovisual, Stunting, Posyandu Cadres
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