Fernando B Siahaan, Dede Awalludin


Registration of outpatient BPJS at Rumah Sakit Islam
Jakarta Pondok Kopi in its operational condition is obstacles that
is a long time in the registration process due to the large volume
of patient visit each day. So it takes a cient server based
information system that can support so as to produce better
service. The purpose of this study was to provide an alternative
model of outpatient administration of BPJS patients. The method
used in this study waterfall with stages analyze the needs of
software, design, code generation, testing and support. The
discussion by designing the system in the form of usecase
diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and ERD. The
conclusion of this study computerized system made for RSIJPK
can help overcome the problems in the process of registration of
patients so that the time required to be faster.
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